Brand Mender

It’s well known that marketers put in a ton of time to plan, develop, and design their content. Nonetheless, many struggle to succeed when it comes to promotions. Simply put, combining paid and organic results on search engines, social media, and other websites is one of the promotional challenges that need to be addressed by marketers ASAP.

Are you also considering the pros and cons of integrating organic vs. paid social media into your marketing strategy? We’ll save you some time: you’re probably going to want to combine them both.

Perfect the Combination of Organic & Paid Efforts

In today’s market, web traffic is essential to your business’ growth & overall success. The likelihood that website visitors will convert to paying customers increases with the volume of traffic you receive.

Web traffic has two main sources: paid and organic traffic

The customers who visit your website from Google searches are considered organic traffic. As a result, employing search engine optimization strategies are crucial for generating organic traffic.

A website that has been optimized to Google’s standards is a website easily accessible to your audience. It will be simpler for consumers to locate you if your website has effective search engine optimization, which will increase its ranking on the search engine results page (SERP). This is what draws in organic traffic.

Paid traffic, on the other hand, is generated through pay-per-click advertising. This means that every time a customer clicks on an ad for your company and is directed to your website, your business is charged a fee.

If you want to build up enough momentum for your business, it’s critical to strike the right balance between paid and organic traffic.

SEO vs. PPC: When to Optimize and When to Pay for Traffic

Marketers must expand and use their audience to achieve effective organic promotion. Before creating content, it is important to conduct massive research on buyer profiles and pain points. Now it’s time to apply that data to support promotional goals.

Paid Promotions & Organic Efforts - Brandmender

Integrating Paid & Organic Tactics in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

It might be challenging yet crucial to strike the right balance between organic and paid traffic as both have advantages and disadvantages, just like any other strategy. Thereby, using organic and paid traffic in tandem will help cancel out the potential consequences of both strategies. While the success of pay-per-click campaigns may be easily tracked with paid traffic in addition to keeping your business profitable, a search engine optimization strategy that focuses on organic traffic will encourage brand loyalty.

Use Organic to Delight Existing Customers - Brandmender

Finding the Right Balance – Paid & Organic Traffic

One of the best strategies for attracting customers is content marketing. The secret is to understand how to use content to drive sales effectively at every stage of the funnel.

Most businesses invest a lot of time in content marketing because they believe that if they produce high-quality content quickly, users will find it, interact with it, and progress through the sales funnel; but this almost never happens. Great content never receives the attention it merits because of the overwhelming amount of surrounding noise.

Therefore, It’s critical for businesses to first build their brand through the creation and organic promotion of valuable content, and then incorporate paid promotion to meet overall content marketing ROI objectives.

Still having trouble coming up with a digital marketing strategy that effectively balances organic and paid results? If you want to get ahead & be the best brand by utilizing these Pay-Per-Click, SEO-focused, and influencer marketing strategies – email us at